Ottawa Middle School has many students who ride to and from school with family and friends. We want all of our students to arrive and depart school in a safe and timely manner, so here are some tips to help us get all our students to and from OMS safely. All morning and afternoon drop off procedures are done in the west parking lot. When dropping students off, cars must use the west parking lot and not the side streets. Students dropped off on Ash or 13th Streets create a safety hazard.

When dropping off or picking up a student, enter the west side of the parking lot in the outside lane closest to the curb and sidewalk
Stay in the far left lane and keep advancing in traffic
Students should exit the car anywhere along the sidewalk. When students exit the car, they should walk on the sidewalk all the way to the west door.
When your student has exited the vehicle, you can depart the drop off lane and exit the parking lot (yellow arrows).
Students should not be walking through the parking lot or darting through traffic.
The inside lanes within the parking lot are for parking and thru traffic; this is not a student drop off area.