
Allies for Cyclone Diversity Club celebrates diversity. We do awareness activities in the school, have mental health days, and participate in outside-of-school activities such as pride day parades. We make things to sell such as t-shirts and buttons
Sponsor: TBA
Time: TBA

American Sign Language
The goal for the American Sign Language club is to teach basic ASL to students so they can hold a fluent conversation using sign language. We also want to spread awareness about deaf culture and the deaf community. All welcome!
Sponsor: Mrs. Stinebaugh
Time: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00

Art Guild
To join Art Guild you don't have to be in an art class! Things we do in Art Guild: have fun making art, museum visits, art workshops, and guest artists. Each time we get together, we do something creative, new and different! We also sponsor some scholarships for art students continuing a career after high school.
Sponsor: Mr. Musser and Ms. Lilley
Time: Every other Tuesday 3:05 - 4:00

Chess Club
In Chess Club, we play for fun but also to practice different moves and strategies. We travel to tournaments in person around the state during our tournament season, which happens from October through March. We accept players at all levels of skill and ability, including anyone who wants to learn to play! Tournaments take place on Saturdays (all day) and are always tons of fun. We will not go to a tournament every weekend, and we select tournaments to attend during our club times. Students who play in tournaments have the opportunity to qualify for the state tournament in the spring (typically in mid-March).
Sponsor: TBA
Time: Mondays and Tuesdays 3:05-4:00pm.

Cyclotrons (Robotics)
A team that inspires young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.
Sponsor: Mrs. Stinebaugh
Time: TBA

This is an extracurricular class offered at OHS. In Debate, you research a debate topic that is assigned every school year. We meet every school day and practice after school for upcoming debate tournaments that we travel to on the weekends.
Sponsor: Ms. Calamio and Ms. Hampton
Time: TBA
Drama club is a place for theatre students to gather, build community, and practice theatrical skills with games, improv, and more! Drama Club also hosts the Musical and the Play every year! Any student can join!
Sponsor: Ms. Baldwin
Time: TBA

Educators Rising
For high school students, Educators Rising provides passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, promotes their interest in the profession, and helps them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators.
Sponsor: Ms. Waymire
Time: 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 7:25 am in the CTE commons

Environmental Club
The Environmental Club will promote a « greener » mindset in the Ottawa School District, including establishing and maintaining a school recycling program, as well as encouraging and facilitating other ways to reduce waste.
Sponsor: Mr. Lohse
Time: 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:20am

Future Business Leaders of America helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs.
Sponsor: Mr. Wallace
Time: 7:20 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Monday

Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a club organized for Christians at OHS to have a short weekly lesson and fellowship with others. Everyone is welcome and no you don't have to be an athlete to attend.
Sponsor: Mr. Wallace
Time: Every Friday at 7:20 am in room C117

Family Career and Community Leaders of America service and leadership club that connects students passions with community service and leadership opportunities. Students are eligible to compete at a variety of levels and projects.
Sponsor: Miss Paddock
Time: 2nd Wednesdays of each month at 7:20 am

The agricultural education program involves the following components: rigorous classroom instruction (contextual learning), Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) hands-on experience and career exploration (work-based learning), and the FFA (connecting activity). Programs are designed to prepare students to fill community needs, enter postsecondary agricultural programs, and develop their personal skills.
Agricultural Education strives to inform students about the significance and inner workings of the agriculture industry. The agricultural education experience is based on a three-component school-based model consisting of Classroom/Laboratory, Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), and FFA. Students who experience this model to its fullest are able to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom to real-life scenarios and experiences in their own SAE and FFA involvement.
Sponsor: Mrs. Gilmore
Time: Contact Mrs. Gilmore

Game Arena
We are a gaming club with a focus on both casual and competitive play.
Sponsor: Mr. Manabat
Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays after school during Fall and Winter

Health Occupation Students of America. This is a club for those interested in a career in the Health or Medical Field.
Sponsor: Ms. Stinebaugh
Time: Friday mornings or during Cyclone Hour

Key Club
The purpose of Key Club is find opportunities to give our time and resources to help our community and school. Key Club started at OHS in 1979. Key Club International is over 76 years old. The first Key Club was started in Sacramento, California. Key Club is affiliated with its Adult Partner Kiwanis International. There are over 220,000 students involved in Key Clubs around the United States. There are 39 Key Clubs in Kansas who come together each March at the State Convention. In July, a delegation from Kansas travels to the International Convention.
Sponsor: Mrs. Black and Ms. K. Miller
Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month
Knights and Nerds
This is a role playing gamer group that has focused on D&D and Pathfinder, but is open to other games.
Sponsor: TBA
Time: TBA

Nationals Honors Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four pillars have been associated with membership in the organization since its inception in 1921.
Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in NHS activities. NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, US Territories, Canada, and around the world. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service.
As such, NHS chapters and students are in schools that care not only about student achievement, but also community engagement.
Sponsor: Mrs. Black and Ms. K. Miller
Time: Invitation only, 1st and 3rd Thursdays

Sells popcorn at games to raise money to help activities at OHS.
Sponsor: Mr. Boeh
Time: Thursdays at 7:30 in the North Gym.

Renaissance Program (Core Council)
The Renaissance Program impacts every student at OHS, seeking to build a positive school climate and culture and find ways to celebrate and value all students and Staffulty. The Core Council plans and carries out a variety of events and activities to achieve this mission.
Sponsor: Mrs. Kane
Time: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:15 am

S.A.F.E. (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) is a teen-run, peer-to-peer program focusing on increasing teen restraint compliance through education, positive rewards and enforcement. It is designed to bring awareness to the importance of wearing a seatbelt, therefore reducing the number of motor vehicle-related injuries and fatalities among Kansas teens.
Sponsor: Mrs. Kemp
Time: 2nd Wednesdays at 7:25am

Scholars Bowl
A team where you can stretch your knowledge by answering age-based trivia questions while competing with your team against other schools.
Sponsor: Mrs. Stinebaugh
Time: Wednesdays 7-8 via zoom

Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is a competitive team where members study the 23 events (see for a list) and participates in tournaments during the year. Events include building/construction of structures, scientific experiments, science knowledge, and activities.
Sponsor: Mrs. Stinebaugh
Time: TBA

Spanish Club
We are focused on promoting cultural awareness. We do this through various fun activities such as fiestas, cultural celebrations, dinners at Mexican, Venezuelan, or Spanish restaurants, selling Pulseras, and more!!
Sponsor: Mr. Hamor
Time: 3:10 Every Wednesday, Morning Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 7:15 a.m.

Honoring the scholarship and achievements of High School Theatre students.
Sponsor: Mrs. Baldwin
Time: Invitation Only

Writing Club
Writing Club is all about expanding our creative brains, writing engaging stories (and more!) and finding ways to bring our written accomplishments to our school and local community. We host a variety of writing and reading events each year, and we do a LOT of brainstorming and laughing. We work on our own personal writing goals and projects, but we also try to create something as a group each year. We are working to expand our experiences as a club with writing-focused trips and conferences which will allow club members the chance to network within various writing groups and communities
Time: TBA