February 28

Nick Walker
Nominated by Ms. Miller
Nick is consistently ahead of schedule in Stats and always willing to help his classmates. Recently, I asked him to help me customize a Superbowl Desmos activity that I used with all of my classes. He took the time to read through it and add examples to explain how odds are calculated. He also took hours out of his own time to create a Quizlet from my notecards for his classmates to use to study for a Stats test. I appreciate his commitment to his own success and the success of his peers.

Sarah Kane
Nominated by Ms. Kuntz
Sarah doesn't discriminate against others and is a team player. She notices when someone needs help and offers appropriately. She knows her strengths and her limitations. Her positive influence is encouraging.
February 21

Lisa Hall
Nominated by Mr. Gutierrez
Lisa comes into my room everyday with a positive attitude and makes a positive impact on my classroom and the school. She is a prime example of Cyclone P.R.I.D.E.

Quincey Lewis
Nominated by Ms. Whittaker
Quincey Lewis is involved in many activities at OHS. He always represents himself and others well while when doing so. Quincey is always willing to step up and help other district schools as a PAC Tech. I am continually impressed with his maturity and willingness to be involved!
February 7

Austin Wilkerson
Nominated by Ms. Serna
Without hesitation, Austin sat down this week to help others in his Algebra 2 class. He answered their questions and genuinely went over the content with them. He excels in math, and he uses his talent in a great way!

Natalie Price
Nominated by Ms. Serna
Natalie deserves to be Cyclone of the Week because of her incredible work ethic and leadership in the classroom. She consistently sets the tone for her peers, demonstrating dedication and focus every day. Her ability to balance dance, basketball, and multiple other commitments while excelling academically is truly impressive. Natalie’s time management skills and determination make her a standout student and a role model for those around her.
January 31

Haven Ballard
Nominated by Ms. Seurer
I would love to nominate Haven for Cyclone of the Week! Haven is always a light to my day! She is so kind, greeting me good morning and saying thank you when she leaves class. She makes an exceptional effort to get to know her teachers and appreciate them. Additionally, Haven works very hard in class to maintain her grades. She asks questions when she needs help and works very hard to understand and achieve in class. I just appreciate her!

Dakota Adams
Nominated by Ms. Prendergast
While I don't have Dakota in class anymore, he is a joy to talk to. He always says hi. He is achieving at a high level!
January 24

Bailey Campbell
Nominated by Ms. Britton
Bailey is doing an amazing job at keeping all A's so far this semester. Bailey is also willing to help other achieve their education goals by mentoring them in assignments/classes and taking a genuine interest in doing what is best to help others.

Tyson Keith
Nominated by Ms. Lilley
Tyson always comes in with a great attitude. He takes time out of his day to say hi to me. He strives for his best in my Metals class. Great student to have!
January 10

Lucas Shumway
Nominated by Mr. Yazbeck
Lucas gets, understands, and internalizes the material and then goes out of his way to help other students understand the material.

Piper Zink
Nominated by Ms. Serna
Piper is an incredible asset to OHS, always bringing positivity and a helping hand inside and outside the classroom. She is a student who consistently does the right thing, often without seeking recognition. Piper's hard work and good attitude shine through in everything she does, making her a role model for her peers.
December 12

Coby Schmoe
Nominated by Ms. Orr
Coby is a tremendous help to students when they have a question! He is super knowledgeable about Graphic Design and is the go-to engraver, but to hear him tell it he is so humble and happy to help however he can!

Addalyn Caruthers
Nominated by Ms. Flax
I am so impressed by Addalyn. She has a genuine desire to to well in everything she does. One day, she came up to me and asked me if I would talk through some discussion questions with her. She said it helps her to organize her thoughts in a way that made sense. I LOVED this so much! That type of initiative is what I would love to see in all of my students.
November 22

Nasiir Brown
Nominated by Ms. Prendergast
Nasiir has made a tremendous effort to be successful this year. He has always shown me kindness and greets me with a smile.

Shyanne Allen
Nominated by Ms. Orr
Shyanne started in Graphic Design later than the others, and showed great dedication and perseverance as she worked to get caught up!
October 25
October 18

Clifford Bricker
Nominated by Mr. Boeh and Ms. Britton
Clifford won the Wall Sit Competition in PE class. His determination and perseverance was off the charts. He is one tough competitor.

Kaylee Huffman
Nominated by Ms. Kemp
Kaylee has been diligent in creating the Student page for the OHS website. This page will make it easier for all students to quickly find common resources. She has designed, edited, contacted tech support, and reviewed peer critiques. All with the reward of being a live page for anyone to access.
October 11

Rilyn Greiner
Nominated by Ms. Kuntz
Rilyn includes all students and when she sees someone needs help or included she does it kindly without being prompted. She's also very good at redirection when peers are being inappropriate and is a great example of how to be a cyclone.

Max Blanco
Nominated by Mr. Matthias and Ms. Jeannin
Max was nominated for his resilience and commitment to growth as a student. He has made so many positive changes to his routine at OHS that have led to increased success academically this year. He is a positive and caring student who has built supportive relationships with students he mentors as a TA in his adaptive PE class.
October 4
September 27

Makayla Testorff
Nominated by Ms. Tharp and Mr. Colwell
Makayla worked very hard before the Wall of Honor Banquet to help get things ready. Her contribution helped to make the banquet a special time for the Wall of Honor Inductees and their families.

Dravan Kirkland
Nominated by Ms. Prendergast
I absolutely love seeing Dravan everyday. He always comes in with a smile and never fails to say hello. No matter what might be going on in his own world, he never lets it affect him at school.
September 20

Eligah Young
Nominated by Ms. Gearhart
Eligah was incredibly polite and respectful during our discussion about academics. He is on top of his school work and does a great job collaborating with teachers to stay successful!

Sylvia Payne
Nominated by Ms. Gilmore
Sylvia is always willing to help around the classroom and any student who needs help. She is a role model to her peers and I am very blessed to have her in class.
September 13

Ronaldo Ramirez
Nominated by Ms. Prendergast
Ronaldo is a pleasant surprise. He is so polite and kind. He saw me struggling to carry a bunch of stuff into the building and immediately offered to help without being asked. I could have 100 Ronaldos in my class.

Emma Griffin
Nominated by Ms. Serna
Emma is an outstanding student at Ottawa High School, exemplifying hard work and dedication in everything she does. She constantly goes above and beyond, as seen when she asked Ms. Tooley and I to print out extra ACT questions so she could practice on her own during her free time. Her initiative and drive to improve are truly inspiring. In addition to her academic excellence, Emma is incredibly respectful and deeply appreciative of the OHS staffulty, always expressing gratitude for their support. On the volleyball court, she continues to shine as a hardworking athlete and a model of great character. Emma’s commitment, both in the classroom and in sports, sets a remarkable example for her peers.
September 6

Alec Haycox
Nominated by Ms. Britton
Alec has started off the school year with a positive attitude and has kept his grades at all A's for the past 3 weeks! Alec is always polite and has a smile on his face when he says "hello"or "good morning"

Olivia Shaner
Nominated by Ms. Ward
Olivia always has a smile every time I see her in the hall, no matter what time of day it is. She comes to 7th hour with an upbeat attitude and ready to learn, even at the end of the day when everyone exhausted! I appreciate the encouragement that she gives her classmates by telling them "good job!" when they finish their work.
August 30

Leon Ignaco
Nominated by Ms. Serna
Leon truly deserves the title of Cyclone of the Week due to his remarkable positive attitude and unwavering work ethic, both in the classroom and on the football field. His dedication shines through as he consistently offers support to his classmates in math, patiently explaining concepts and helping others grasp challenging material. Beyond his academic contributions, Leon’s politeness and respect toward both peers and teachers create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone. On the football field, his hard work and determination are equally evident, as he pushes himself to be the best he can be. Leon’s blend of kindness, academic support, and athletic commitment makes him an exemplary role model and a deserving candidate for Cyclone of the Week.

Sierra Coy
Nominated by Ms. Prendergast
Sierra has come back to school and is ready to make it a great year! I am so proud of her
August 23

Addison White
Nominated by Ms. Gearhart
Addison reached out to me before school started to inquire about the possibility of doing a senior sunrise for the class of 2025. She is responsible for initiating the event and creating the infographic that was used to advertise the event. Because of Addison's initiative and creativity, there were over 60 seniors who attended the senior sunrise and celebrated the start of their final year at OHS!

Kaydin Miller
Nominated by Ms. Gearhart
Kaydin took the initiative to create a banner and photo opp prop to use for pictures during the senior sunrise!
August 16

Aubrey True
Nominated by Mr. Hamor
Aubrey introduced herself to me right away and took initiative to get Spanish Club up and running. As a new teacher, her enthusiasm and initiative took stress off my plate. She already has goals for our club and ideas for how we can be a wonderful part of our Cyclone community.

Gage Criqui
Nominated by Ms. Baldwin
This student has gone above and beyond to help me get initiated into OHS, connecting me with other theatre students, encouraging students to come talk to me, and taking initiative to nominate fellow students for opportunities that he thinks would benefit them. He also has gone above and beyond to volunteer to serve our club and community, spending extra hours even on the first days of school being a leader to get things together for the activity fair.