As we continue to maneuver through cold and flu season, and with the reports of viral concerns across the globe, USD 290 wants to let our students, staff, families, and community know that we are working with local and state health officials to ensure a healthy environment in our schools. As we do every year, we continue to monitor the illnesses of all schools and report that information each week to the Franklin County Health Department. We are committed to protecting the health and safety of our students and staff. While the risk of a major viral outbreak is very low at present, we will continue to actively monitor the situation and update you with additional information as needed.
The management of any virus evolves with time and research, however, there are a number of things that families can do to limit their exposure. Below are some recommendations from the Kansas State Department of Health and the CDC that you can do at home and at school to help maintain a healthy, germ free environment.
The CDC recommends the following prevention actions:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Contact your physician if you are feeling ill.
The support and assistance of our school community when working to contain communicable diseases is vital. Teaching the foundations of healthy habits in the home, self-reporting illness, and keeping sick individuals home are important elements in the success of containing communicable diseases within a community.
For further information regarding the Coronavirus, please check out the following CDC Websites for information. Or Contact your school nurse.
What is the Coronavirus?
What you need to know, shared facts about the virus
Physical Form - English
Physical Form - Spanish
Students with the following health condition(s) shall be excluded from school:
* Oral temperature of 100 degrees F or more--student should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
* Eyes inflamed with purulent discharge(Pink Eye)
* Drainage from ears(s)
* Skin Lesions (i.e. impetigo, ringworm, and scabies etc) until under treatment from physician.
* Vomiting
* Diarrhea (2 or more stools)
* Severe cough
*Severe sore throat/Swollen glands
* Head Lice
*Undiagnosed rash- If your child has a rash of unknown origin, they will need to be seen by a physician to make sure the rash isn't contagious.
Medication at School: All student medications, including over-the-counter, must be administered through the health room under the supervision of the school nurse.
Prescription Medications Written request from the physician or dentist should accompany all medication to be administered at school. A written request from the parent/guardian must accompany all medication for initial administration. Continuation of administration will require parent’s signature on the school form- Request for Medication
*Medications administered three times or less a day shall be administered at home, unless written request from the physician specifies medication to be given during the school day hours.
*The official prescription container should accompany all medication. Two containers, one for home and one for school should be requested from the pharmacist. Any changes in type of drugs, dosage and/or time should be accompanied by a new physician order and/or a newly labeled pharmacy container.
*All medication maintained in the school setting should be kept in the health office in a locked area. Students are not allowed to keep medication on their person, backpack, or locker. In the administration of medication, the school employee shall not be deemed to have assumed any legal responsibility other than acting as a duly authorized employee for the school district.
Over-the-counter medication: (ie: aspirin, cough and cold preparations, etc.)- All over-the-counter medication should be accompany by a physician or dentist request. The medication should be in the original package and/or container. A written request form the parent/guardian must accompany all medication and a continuation of administration will require parent's signature of the school form- Request for Medication
FOR THE 2023-2024
OCTOBER 18th, 2023
Any student attending USD 290 Schools must be in compliance with the State's current immunization laws and regulations. Any student who does not meet the State's requirements will NOT be allowed to attend school on or after October 18th, 2023 until one of the following documents are provided to the school nurse:
1. Up-to-date immunization records
2. A scheduled plan to give shots needed to be signed by the physician
3. Signed Medical or Religious Exemption according to the provisions of the law
**Also Preschool/Kindergarten need to have a one-time physical on file by October 13, 2022. Please contact your school nurse for questions.
Parents- Please check the immunization requirements. There are changes to PreSchool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 7th Grade, and 11th Grade for the school year.
If you could please add information regarding dental clinics that would be great--
Healthy Futures Dental Clinic is coming to your school: 2023-2024
Don’t forget to enroll your child in the school-based dental program, including Dental Exams, X-rays, Dental cleanings, Dental sealants, Fluoride, and simple Fillings! This program is optional for anyone without a primary dentist or anyone who has not been seen by a dentist in the last six months for regular routine dental care. We accept enrollment forms all year, but to ensure they receive services at the upcoming school clinics on
Lincoln 9-20 and 9-21
Garfield 10-16
Sunflower 10-18
Ottawa Middle School 10-24
Ottawa High School 10-25
Enroll your kiddo today. Forms are available in the school office or through the online secure forms at the following links:
Healthy Futures accepts Medicaid, Commercial Insurance, and the uninsured. There is NO COST to you even if your child is uninsured or not fully covered through commercial insurance. This program is open to all students, no restrictions. Please turn in any paper enrollment forms to your school nurse. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Healthy Futures at 785-841-7297, ext. 5601 or