The OHS boys basketball team is back in action tonight at home vs. Atchison. Only 2 parents / guardians may attend per athlete. You can also watch the game on the Ottawa Sports Network live stream.
Link: https://youtu.be/9Yo_Fn-fMFs

The double dual wrestling meet with Tonganoxie and Eudora that was scheduled for this Thursday, 12/17 has been moved to Tuesday, 12/22 at 5:00 pm

There have been several changes to the basketball schedule for tomorrow 12/15.
All girls games are cancelled
Freshman boys has been cancelled
JV Boys will be at 4:30 in the North Gym
V Boys will be at 6:00 in the North Gym
Live Stream Link will be sent out later.

Congrats to our Kansas State Bank Cyclones of the Week, Charles Caffey & Marissa Dandreo! These students were nominated by Ms. Caro & Ms. Gray for taking initiative and dedicating themselves to success. #cyclonepride

Atchison’s Girls Basketball Team will not be available for play on Tuesday 12/15. All girls games for Tuesday have been cancelled. They boys will still play, but times have changed. Games will be played at: 9th @ 4:30, JV @ 6:00, and V at. 7:30. All will be in the north gym.

Students got to make cell models of plant cells from materials of their choice. Some students chose to use recycle materials, others chose to bake their models, some were designed and 3D printed, while others were created with Minecraft. #CyclonesLearn

The OHS Varsity Girls Basketball team was in action tonight vs Shawnee Heights. Final score Shawnee Heights 44 Ottawa 30. The Cyclones will be back in action on Tuesday at home vs Atchison.

OHS JV Girls Basketball was in action tonight against Shawnee Heights. Final score Shawnee Heights 35 Ottawa 16.

Mr. Lasley and his Ag Fabrication class made this awesome sign for the Goppert Teen Park. We LOVE when our students can do real world projects for our community. #CyclonesLearn #CTE

The Cart of Joy visited our teachers with prepackaged COVID friendly treats today! #CyclonePride

The OHS wrestling team will not be wrestling in tomorrow’s meet at Anderson County.

Gameday Info for 12/11/20: Girls Basketball @ Shawnee Heights
9th: Cancelled due to limited roster for SHHS
JV: 4:00 pm
V: 6:00 pm
Spectators: No visiting fans per Shawnee Co. Health Dept.
Watch live @ www.nfhsnetwork.com
Search for Shawnee Heights High School

The KSHSAA recently approved upto 2 parents/guardians as spectators for sports. The Shawnee Co. Health Dept. however is liming sports to a total of 100 people including players. Therefore, there will be NO SPECTATORS allowed on 12/11 at SHHS!

In the consolation game the OHS Girls JV Basketball team defeats Eudora 41-16. Good job ladies!

The Ottawa High School Girls bowling team started their tryouts tonight. OHS is so proud of you for being a part of this historic team. Good luck ladies!

In the first game of the JV Girls basketball tournament the OHS girls fall to Basehor. Final Score Basehor 46 Ottawa 23. If you are following along online, you will need to move over to our other link for the consolation game.

12/8 WR Results:
Varsity 21-7
12 pins
Girls 10-6
10 pins
JV 10-9
10 pins
Undefeated Varsity wrestlers:
106 Z. Cunningham 5-0
126 P. Guge 5-0
138 C. Creach 5-0
152 J. Brown 5-0
170 K. Lane 5-0
182 W. Sink 5-0
195 J. Ferguson 2-0
V Girls
126 K. Dials 5-0
155 A. Brown 6-0

We are aware of an internet issue currently impeding student learning and district functions. This is an upstream issue, outside of our network that we are working with our internet service provider to remedy.

Congrats to our Kansas State Bank Cyclones of the Week, Addison Hedges & Airyanna Fletcher! These students were nominated by Mr. Wallace & Ms. Whittaker for their positivity, helpfulness, and demonstration of #cyclonepride

The JV Girls Basketball Tournament can be viewed on the following links:
OHS vs. Basehor and Championship game: https://youtu.be/kTJ93VTekN4
Eudora vs. Baldwin and Consolation game: https://youtu.be/hqOZPSh6XUg
Good luck ladies!