At this time, USD 290 Drivers Education opportunity is on hold. We will be seeking out more information from the Kansas State Department of Education as well as monitoring the status of COVID-19. More information and communication regarding the status of Drivers Education will be released as it becomes available.
Seniors please check your email regarding important information about Scholarship application deadlines!!! #PleaseSpreadTheWord
Our regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be streamed live tonight at 7PM - with significant audio quality improvements! See the attached release from Dr. Ryan Cobbs for more information.
USD290 COVID-19 Resource Center will be launching early next week! Teachers and support staff have volunteered to work the support queue when they can. If you have a question, you will be connected with a USD290 employee directly, who will find an answer! Stay tuned!
The Board of Education Special Meeting tonight at 7PM will be streamed on YouTube Live. In an effort to meet all CDC guidelines we ask that you do not physically attend the meeting. For more information, and the link to the stream, visit
Please see the latest update from the Kansas State High School Activities Association regarding the cancellation of all spring championships, competitions, and festivals for the remainder of this school year.
Please see the attached release from Superintendent Dr. Ryan Cobbs regarding the joint statement from Governor Kelly and Dr. Randy Watson's.
COVID-19 Update from Dr. Ryan Cobbs
Please click here for the latest information
Thank you to the City of Ottawa for giving a Water & World presentation to our students. The presentation shared various aspects of our water processes. Also explained Summer internship opportunities for our students!
Thank you to all the staffulty & students who donated blood yesterday! Because of your efforts, National Honor Society hit their goal!!!! We had 29 units of whole blood & 8 double red cell donations! #CyclonesRock
The robotics competition season has been cancelled. 😭
Thank you for all your support this season!!!!
Congratulations to the boys on a nice season, we are proud of you!
We ended our season against Augusta 53-41
Our students showed up loud & proud filling up three pep buses! Ottawa & Augusta are tired at 18 going into the third quarter. #LetsGoCyclones
Unfortunately, the state chess tournament at Emporia University on Saturday, March 14 was cancelled. 😭
Please consider making a donation!
Congratulations to our Kansas State Bank Cyclones of the Week:
Carey Knight and Kirstann Blakesley
Click the link to access the March issue of The Review, OHS student publication.
Thank you to all who attended the first annual Student Led Conferences at OHS. We enjoyed collaborating with families as students communicated their goals. This opportunity allowed us to truly be a partner in your students’ success & engage in conversations happening at home!
OHS is hosting the 1st ever student led conferences format for Parent/Teacher conferences tonight and tomorrow. Looking forward to interaction among the educational collaborative team of student, parent and teacher.