Thank you ORC for helping us to recognize our amazing students!
8th Grade Promotion is just around the corner:
When: Monday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Steve Grogan Stadium (OHS Football Field)
Who: Bring your family and friends; gates will open at 6:00; students should arrive by 6:45 p.m.
Students will get their promotion shirt during our afternoon practice on May 13. If you can't make it in person, use this link:
May 13th is the last day of school for 8th grade students!
Thank you ORC for recognizing our students!!
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...
A special thank you to Libby Davis for sharing her personal story of her son Cooper with our students at OMS this week. This helped our students learn about the dangers of fentanyl.
Thank you ORC for recognizing Whirlwinds of the Week! Good job Kinnley and Kylea, keep up the good work!
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...
The 2024 USD 290 Annual Student Art Exhibition at the Carnegie Cultural Center is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am - 2 pm. The center is closed Sunday and Monday. Students that have art in the show received an email informing them of their work being on display. It is time to show off your hard work and accomplishments!
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...
Thank you ORC for recognizing our Students of the Week! Thank you Cadie and Millie for being kind to others and working hard!
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...
Here are the OMS activities for this week. Please schedule a conference time using Skyward or drop in and see us on Thursday evening for Parent Teacher Conferences this week.
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...
Here are the activities for OMS students this week....
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...
There was a previous post for current 8th graders entering 9th grade that had an error on it. This is the corrected information, sorry for the confusion!
Upcoming freshmen are encouraged to attend OHS on Monday, February 26th with important high school information.
OHS Incoming Freshman Information
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...
Here are the activities for OMS students this week...