April 22, 2020
OHS National Honor Society students will be online to help with homework and help navigate online tools (Classroom, docs, sheets, slides, etc). There will be a teacher present as...
April 22, 2020
In 2008 the Ottawa Optimist Club started a program to recognize students at Ottawa High School as Unsung Heroes. This award was to be given to students who have overcome adversity...
April 15, 2020
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents!
If you have ordered a cap & gown from Jostens, you are invited to participate in our drive by pick up event hosted by Jostens on Tue...
March 29, 2020
Click Here to access the April Cyclone Connect Parent Newsletter: Remote Learning Edition
March 23, 2020
USD290 Parents and Citizens- In an effort to continue to keep our staff, community, and board safe via social distancing guidelines, I wanted to inform you that the Board of Educ...
March 19, 2020
USD 290 parents and citizens, Amid the growing concerns of COVID-19 the USD290 Board of Education will host a special meeting tonight to discuss how we will respond with regard ...
March 15, 2020
Good evening everyone, Today at 4PM, Superintendents across the State met with Commissioner Watson to discuss the current COVID-19 concerns. Tonight at 6PM, Governor Kelly suppo...
March 14, 2020
USD 290 parents, students, and staff. We have been working with the Franklin County Health Department, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, and the Kansas State Depar...
March 7, 2020
Click the link below to access the March Cyclone Connect, parent information newsletter. You will find important information regarding student led conferences, assessment day & so...
March 3, 2020
Parent(s)/Guardian(s): By now you should have heard from your student or their Advisory teacher to schedule a student led conference. We are excited to collaborate with your stud...
March 3, 2020
Do you know a senior who deserves recognition? Mr. and Miss OHS is the highest of honors for any current senior student at OHS. Those eligible for Mr. and Miss OHS show exempl...
February 24, 2020
We offered an ACT Prep opportunity during the Fall semester and received positive feedback from students who participated. We will be offering the same opportunity this semester f...
February 24, 2020
At this time, USD 290 Drivers Education opportunity is on hold. We will be seeking out more information from the Kansas State Department of Education as well as monitoring the ...
February 19, 2020
Come learn about course offerings & graduation requirements! This meeting will be held at Ottawa High School.
February 1, 2020
We'd like to invite the entire community to join us at our Winter Bash! Click here for more information.
February 1, 2020
Please keep the link below to find information about our Career & Technical Education Information, concurrent credits and our C3 initiative at Ottawa High School. Please contact S...
January 27, 2020
Are you looking to replace a bed in your home? Now is the time. The Ottawa Band & Choir programs are excited to announce they will be hosting a one day Mattress Sale Fundraiser ...
January 18, 2020
Take a look at the latest Ottawa High School overview video! This short video showcases some of the great things happening in our building every single day.